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Wiki source code of Macros

Last modified by Ryan C on 2025/03/07 23:43

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1 {{velocity output="false"}}
2 #* General XWikiTube utilities. *#
4 #**
5 * Display video information
6 * @param $video a map containing the video information
7 *#
8 #macro(displayVideoInfo $video)
9 #if ("$!video" != '' && $video.size() > 0)
10 ==== Video information ====
11 * Name: **$!video.name**
12 * Extension: **$!video.extension**
13 * Mime type: **$!video.mimeType**
14 * Size: **$!video.sizeMB MB**
15 * Duration(HOURS:MM:SS.MICROSECONDS): **$!video.hmsDuration**
16 * Resolution(px): **$!video.resolution**
17 * Bitrate(kbps): **$!video.bitrate**
18 #end
19 #end
21 #**
22 * Display video encode form
23 * @param $videoAttachmens list of video attachments
24 *#
25 #macro(displayVideoEncodeForm $videoAttachmens)
26 <div id="video-encode-blk">
27 <div id="select-video-blk">
28 <label>Select the video to be encoded</label>
29 <select id="video-select">
30 #foreach($att in $videoAttachmens)
31 #if($att.getMimeType().contains("video"))
32 <option value="$att.getFilename()">$att.getFilename()</option>
33 #end
34 #end
35 </select>
36 <input type="button" value="Encode" id="encode-video-btn" class="btn btn-primary"/>
37 </div>
38 <div id="encoding-progress" style="display: none;"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh glyphicon-refresh-animate"></span> Initialization ...</div>
39 </div>
40 #end
41 {{/velocity}}