
Last modified by Ryan C on 2025/03/06 23:28

Weissism is a White ethnocentric movement dedicated to forming a White Ethnostate.

Basic About Us:
This channel will serve as a brief introduction to Weissland and Weissism for new members to this server who are curious about who we are and what we wish to accomplish.


-What are we?

We are a nominal ethno-religion whose main goal is to create an ethnostate exclusive to White people.


-Why is it called Weissism?

Weissism is a word derived from a German word that means both "White" and "To have knowledge" or "To know".


-What is a "nominal ethno-religion"?

We call our religion nominal in the sense that "faith" is a negligible or non-existent portion of our religion. We base our beliefs in Scientific Naturalism, that draws its worldview from that which is testable via material methods.


-Why have it be a religion then?

Our religion is the only way to successfully establish a White ethnostate, due to various laws that exist in US law and elsewhere that would lead to imprisonment or prosecution for our peoples. (Civil Rights act of 1964, Fair Housing act of 1968, etc)


-How will this be accomplished?

Currently we have registered our religion with the US government, and are recognized as a church within the United States. This affords us much more liberty when it comes to exercising our beliefs and way of life.

This includes such things as being able to establish a community with its own internal set of governance, civil arbitration, economics, and exclusivity of members.


-What are some key differences between how Weissland will be governed and how other nations are governed?

There will be an establishment of a unitary state that has a top-down structure, and functions in a manner similar to ancient Germanic Kingship


-Are other religions allowed to join Weissland/Weissism

As long as your religion is non-transcendental and compatible with our belief system. (Which is outlined in various documents available to members.)

No followers of Abrahamic religions are accepted.


((Part 1))

-How can I be sure that this isn't a cult?

First, Weissism is a legally recognized religion by the US government. Secondly, you can review the BITE model (a model for protecting an individual against oppressive or controlling cults which can be found here: https://freedomofmind.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/BITE-model.pdf)

On this model, Weissism scores exceptionally low, even compared to many other mainstream religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc. One of our top priorities is individual freedom and self-determination!


-What are the special, often unwritten, rules about everyday behavior for practitioners of this religion?

Weissism seeks to empower White people to live freely and self-determine. However in order to preserve our race and community, we strongly disavow race-mixing and over-association with other races.


-Is Weissism an experiential or dogmatic religion?

Weissism is experiential. Weissism makes it clear that religion and God are two separate things; (precept 8 of the 77 precepts, draft 1). A persons relationship with God is their own, however our religion is meant to bind our community and be a shared experience.


-What are this religion's views of women's rights? Are there rules and expectations for women that don't exist for men?

We seek to allow all members, men and women, to self-determine as they see fit. However, it is heavily encouraged that a woman have a family, including children.


-Are there any dogmas which must be accepted, even against mainstream, accepted science?

We assert that we are a non-dogmatic religion. This being said, we also assert that there is strong scientific evidence to show that race exists, and that "White" people exist as their own paraphyletic clade. (This will be explained later in the "about us")


-How does this religion treat "heretics", i.e., those that disagree with the "orthodox" opinion?

Those that renounce their beliefs in Weissism will be asked to engage in a brief explanation of why their opinions have changed so strongly, and asked to reconsider. If a person is firm in their commitment to renouncing their beliefs, they are free to do so, but can no longer reside within the ethnostate and will be exiled.


-What is exile, and how does the process work?

Exile is a process that removes a person that commits actions against the group or actions that harm our overall society. This option is a way for us to commit civil abitration against the heaviest offenders in our community without dealing extra-judicial punishment of any kind according to US law. When someone is exiled, they are notified of the fact, and why, and will be given two weeks to gather their belongings and leave the ethnostate.


-Are leaders within this religion held accountable for immoral and illegal activity?



-Who are the leaders of this religion?

Myself, who for security purposes on this discord will be referred to as either "Rando" or "C.W.F" is currently the sole ecclesiastical authority for the foreseeable future, however should the group require it, other authorities shall be appointed underneath me as the situation merits.

-How is the leader decided, and why?

As the founder of the religion, and the primary if not sole contributor of resources to the religion and ethnostates formation; I have assumed essentially absolute authority when it comes to acting as a legislator and ecclesiastic leader. The formation of a unitary state, our stances on democracy, and why I have decided to form this religion as something akin to ancient Germanic kingship are expounded more fully in our religious texts and laws. This being said, the two mains reasons are; proportion of contribution, and protection from outsiders seizing power for ulterior motives. This position is hereditary.


-I'm interested in joining, how do I join?

Our first requirement is that you are White; which we classify as being of overwhelming (95%+) Germanic, Celtic, or Baltic descent. Secondly, you must have a worldview that is generally compatible with our goals and beliefs. Thirdly, there is a selection process, both through this server and in person that takes place, to better understand you as a potential applicant.

Once you pass the three requirements, you will be considered amongst all potential applicants for entry and residence within the ethnostate of Weissland. (These requirements are subject to additional rules and beliefs that are outlined in additional religious materials.)


-Do you have a more specific outline of which ethnicities you consider white?


Below is a working model based off our research that goes over which ethnicities we classify as White and in which order.


Category Ethnic Groups
1S (Swedish) Swedish
1A (Main White European Ethnic Groups) English, Germans, Belgian Germans, Dutch, Irish, Orcadians, Asturians, Scottish, Cornish, Welsh, Walloon, Breton, Luxembourgers, Danish, Jerseyans, Alsatians, Walsers, Alemannic Swiss, Austrians, Liechtensteiners, Arpitans, Frisians, Franco-American, Falklanders, Manx (Isle of Man), Faroese, Ulster Scots, Anglo-Celtic Australians, Anglo-Americans, Volga Germans, Flemish
1B (Other White European Subgroups) Vilamovians, Native French, Rhodesians, Pavees, Baltic Germans, Anglo-Africans, Transylvanian Saxons, Latvians, Lithuanians, Romands, Finno-Swedes
1C (Nordic, Baltic, and Other European Minorities) Finnish, Icelandic, Estonians, Occitans, Friulians, Mochenes


-Who can I ask about additional questions?

I will continue to work on additional questions and answers in this channel as time goes on, but if a new member is ever in need of additional information, feel free to ping me, or to DM me your questions.

Enjoy your stay in the Weissland server!





Founder of Weissism

Progenitor of Weissian

First of the Weisser