Last modified by Ryan C on 2025/03/07 00:46
Display avatars of the members of a team.
Parameter | Name | Description | Default |
tag | Tag | Tag that users need to have to be shown | |
users | Users | Restrict to this list of user names (don't prefix with the wiki identifier) | |
size | Size | The size (height and width) of an avatar | 60 |
showUsernames | Show Usernames | The name of users should be displayed under their avatars | false |
letterAvatarBgColor | Letter Avatars Background Color | The background color of the letter avatars | #0A6 |
letterAvatarFontColor | Letter Avatars Font Color | The font color of the letter avatars | white |
disableLetterAvatars | Disable Letter Avatars | Don't use letter avatars and display a default avatar instead | false |
requireExternalAuth | Require External Auth | The user should be searched in LDAP or OAuth | false |
limit | Limit | The maximum number of people to show (0 turns off the limit) | 100 |
scope | Scope | The scope of the query used to find users. "global": in the main wiki. "local": in the current wiki. "both": in both the main wiki and the local wiki. "auto": find out from the wiki settings. Has no effect in the main wiki. | auto |
All users
All users, no LDAP or OpenIDC requirements, bigger
{{team requireExternalAuth=false size=100 /}}
All users, no LDAP or OpenIDC requirements, some colors
{{team requireExternalAuth=false letterAvatarBgColor="#05C" letterAvatarFontColor="#FFA"/}}
All users, with LDAP or OpenIDC requirements
{{team requireExternalAuth=true /}}
There is nobody to show.
All users with names, disable tools
{{team showUsernames=true disableTools=true/}}
All users with names, disable letter avatars, only in the main wiki
{{team showUsernames=true disableLetterAvatars=true scope=global/}}