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Last modified by Ryan C on 2025/03/07 00:41

The taskgantt macro draws an interactive Gantt diagram which shows tasks, optionally filtered by start/end date, assignee, space or project.


{{taskgantt readonly="false"/}} - enable editing through the UI (disabled by default)

{{taskgantt from="2024/09/27 09:00"/}} - filter by start date

{{taskgantt from="2024/09/27 09:00" to="2024/09/27 17:00"/}} - filter by start and end dates

{{taskgantt projects="Alpha,Beta,Gamma"/}} - filter by projects (comma separated, escape commas in project names with '\,')

{{taskgantt assignees="XWiki.Admin,XWiki.User1"/}} - filter by assigned users (comma separated)

{{taskgantt spaces="TaskManager,Sandbox.Tasks.Task_0"/}} - filter by parent spaces (comma separated)

{{taskgantt hideNoDueDate="true"/}} - hide tasks which do not have a due date set (default is true)

Gantt Diagram

Tasks without a due date are hidden

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