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... ... @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 1 1 = Race & IQ = 2 2 3 3 {{box cssClass="wikibox"}} 4 -The narrativetodayisthatIQ andintelligencehasnothingtodowithrace,despitethere beingan overwhelming amountof evidencetothe contrary.In fact, although theestablishedpositionisthat it does not correlate at all, many scientificxpertsevensayitdoes.Inthisarticlewewill exploretheevidencethat isn'ttypicallybroadcastto thegeneral population,and in somecases, it's even suppressed.4 +**The debate surrounding IQ and race remains controversial, with differing perspectives on whether intelligence disparities are primarily due to environmental or genetic factors.** 5 5 {{/box}} 6 6 7 7 {{toc numbered="true" from="1" to="3"/}}