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Changes for page Race & IQ

Last modified by Ryan C on 2025/03/14 19:32

From version 10.1
edited by Ryan C
on 2025/03/14 19:25
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 13.1
edited by Ryan C
on 2025/03/14 19:32
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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1 1  = Race & IQ =
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4 -**The debate surrounding IQ and race remains controversial, with differing perspectives on whether intelligence disparities are primarily due to environmental or genetic factors.**
4 +The narrative today is that IQ and intelligence has nothing to do with race, despite there being an overwhelming amount of evidence to the contrary. In fact, although the established position is that it does not correlate at all, many scientific experts even say it does. In this article we will explore the evidence that isn't typically broadcast to the general population, and in some cases, it's even suppressed.
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14 14  * Expert surveys show that intelligence researchers attribute the Black-White IQ difference to a mix of genetic and environmental factors.
15 15  * Brain size correlates with IQ, with MRI studies showing a correlation above 0.40.
16 16  
17 -[[image:20241030_160845.jpg||alt="Brain Genetics" style="float:right; margin-left:10px; width:300px"]]
17 +[[image:20241030_160845 [image_ images].jpg||data-xwiki-image-style="thumbnail-clickable" width="200"]]
18 18  
19 19  == Key Points of the Mainstream View ==
20 20  
21 21  1. **IQ Tests Measure Cognitive Ability, Not Innate Intelligence**
22 - * IQ tests measure problem-solving skills and cognitive abilities shaped by environmental factors rather than fixed, innate intelligence.
23 23  
23 +* IQ tests measure problem-solving skills and cognitive abilities shaped by environmental factors rather than fixed, innate intelligence.
24 +
24 24  2. **Environmental Factors Are the Primary Cause of IQ Differences**
25 - * Differences in IQ scores are largely explained by disparities in education, income, healthcare, and exposure to enriching experiences.
26 26  
27 +* Differences in IQ scores are largely explained by disparities in education, income, healthcare, and exposure to enriching experiences.
28 +
27 27  3. **Race Is a Social Construct**
28 - * Many scholars argue that race is a social construct with limited biological basis, complicating attempts to correlate intelligence with race.
29 29  
31 +* Many scholars argue that race is a social construct with limited biological basis, complicating attempts to correlate intelligence with race.
32 +
30 30  4. **The Flynn Effect**
31 - * Rising IQ scores across populations over time suggest that intelligence is highly malleable and influenced by societal improvements.
32 32  
35 +* Rising IQ scores across populations over time suggest that intelligence is highly malleable and influenced by societal improvements.
36 +
33 33  == Mainstream Supporting Evidence ==
34 34  
35 -(% class="table table-striped table-bordered" %)
39 +(% class="table table-bordered table-striped" %)
36 36  |=Study/Source |= Findings |= Key Takeaway
37 37  | Flynn, J. (1987) | IQ scores have risen across populations | Supports environmental improvements
38 38  | APA Report (1995) | Intelligence disparities are largely environmental | Genetics play a minimal role in explaining differences
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50 50  == Evidence Supporting the Genetic Hypothesis ==
51 51  
52 -(% class="table table-striped table-bordered" %)
56 +(% class="table table-bordered table-striped" %)
53 53  |=Study/Source |= Findings |= Key Takeaway
54 54  | Rushton (2003) | Brain size correlates with IQ, varies by race | Suggests a biological component to intelligence
55 55  | Herrnstein & Murray (1994) | "The Bell Curve" discusses race and intelligence | Suggests a mix of genetic and environmental factors
56 56  
57 -[[image:20240501_151840.jpg||alt="Genetic Research" style="float:right; margin-left:10px; width:300px"]]
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62 +
59 59  = Challenges to the Mainstream View =
60 60  
61 -(% class="table table-striped table-bordered" %)
65 +(% class="table table-bordered table-striped" %)
62 62  |= Claim |= Counterpoint
63 63  | "Race is a social construct" | Genetic studies show population differences in traits
64 64  | "Environmental factors explain all differences" | Some IQ gaps persist even in similar environments
... ... @@ -90,4 +90,3 @@
90 90  * APA Report (1995) on Intelligence Disparities
91 91  * Flynn, J. (1987). The Flynn Effect
92 92  * Expert Survey on Intelligence (2019)
93 -