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Wiki source code of KanbanMacro

Last modified by Ryan C on 2025/03/07 00:41

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Ryan C 1.1 1 The Kanban macro allows to display a Kanban using a modified version of the [[jkanban javascript library>>https://github.com/riktar/jkanban]].
2 The macro can take the JSON of the kanban either from the content of the macro or from an URL. There is also the [[xwiki:Macros.AWMKanbanMacro]] allowing to display a kanban board from AppWithinMinutes data.
4 ##{{{
5 {{kanban width="30%" source="" updateService="" addBoardButton="true" addItemButton="true" removeBoardButton="true" removeBoardItem="true"}}
6 [
7 {"id":"board1","title":"To Do","color":"red","item":[{"title":"Item 1"},{"title":"Item 2"}]},
8 {"id":"board2","title":"Working","color":"blue","item":[{"title":"Item 3"},{"title":"Item 4"}]},
9 {"id":"board3","title":"Done","color":"green","item":[{"title":"Item 5"},{"title":"Item 6"}]}
10 ]
11 {{/kanban}}
12 }}}##
14 Additional parameters:
16 * ##width## width of each column in the kanban (default 30%)
17 * ##source## URL source of the Kanban data in JSON
18 * ##updateService## URL to update the Kanban data
19 * ##addBoardButton## display the add Board button (default true)
20 * ##addItemButton## display the add Item button (default true)
21 * ##removeBoardButton## display the remove Board button (default true)
22 * ##removeBoardItem## allow removing Item by drag and dropping them out of a board (default true)
24 == Example ==
26 {{kanban}}
27 [
28 {"id":"board1","title":"To Do","color":"red","item":[{"title":"Item 1"},{"title":"Item 2"}]},
29 {"id":"board2","title":"Working","color":"blue","item":[{"title":"Item 3"},{"title":"Item 4"}]},
30 {"id":"board3","title":"Done","color":"green","item":[{"title":"Item 5"},{"title":"Item 6"}]}
31 ]
32 {{/kanban}}