Quick Start
Welcome to The White Archive! This guide will provide you with all the necessary information to contribute effectively to the wiki. This first page is all you need to know regarding the basic sign in process and introductory asset management. Scroll to the bottom for more detailed information on these things.
- Create a Throwaway Email You can get a throwaway email and sign up with it. I dont think people should have to make an account to add things but its a limitation of the system.
- Create an Account: Sign up to access editing and page creation tools. Upon account creation you can immediately sign in and start editing and adding pages. You do NOT need to verify your email first. .
- Use Your Sandbox: Test and draft your content in your personal sandbox. Visit Your Sandbox
- Unique Page Titles: Avoid duplication by giving your pages specific, descriptive names. Use only lowercase in your path definitions.
- Link Your Pages: Connect related topics by adding internal links to your content.
- Submit Your Work: Your page will be available immediately upon publishing.
Content Guidelines
- Ensure your content is well-researched, you don't need to include references in the format of footnotes for your material, but you should try to include studies or links to give credibility to your claims. For instance, just claiming that IQ is genetic wouldn't be valid unless you provide a study backing up that assertion, or more likely link to a page within this site that explains why IQ is not something that is purely determined by environmental factors. If such a page doesn't exist, create it, and start providing studies that show this.
- Use clear, concise language and avoid using slurs, slang, or troll like language. This isn't supposed to be encyclopedia dramatica, I'd like things to remain relatively mature and well thought out.
Directories and Page URLs
- Organize content under appropriate categories. For example, a page about racial demographics should be placed under /en/race-and-demographics/ .
- Nested pages (e.g., /en/race-and-demographics/white-genocide/intent) require full paths like [intent](/en/race-and-demographics/white-genocide/intent) for links to work correctly. I'm only including this in case you think a deeper more specific link is necessary. The example here makes sense to have nested that deep, but many pages can likely just be generalized under a main category. Keep in mind, its easy to change the location of pages, so dont worry about placing it in the perfect category or under the ideal page, just create it and let things come together as more content emerges.
Uploading and Accessing Assets
To upload an asset, use the Uploads section in the wiki interface. Ensure that files are named descriptively,
Tthe default path for uploads of any type will be just / if they are in the base directory.
You can also highlight the segment you want to turn into an image or pdf and click insert image or insert link and it will create the link for you.
This is all you need to know to start out with. Explore below for more advanced formatting possibilities.
See Also
- Uploads and Scripts: Learn how to upload assets and automate tasks.
- FAQs: Frequently asked questions and quick answers.
- Formatting Guide:
- Coding and Technical Setup: Advanced setup guides and troubleshooting tips.