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Last modified by Ryan C on 2025/03/07 00:46

The recently-updated macro is a bridge between Confluence and XWiki. It displays the most recent contributions to the wiki, relative to documents, attachments and comments.

There are only a few things that are not supported compared to the Confluence macro, due to differences between the two:

  • some special values of the spaces parameters are not supported: @personal , @favorite / @favourite , and personal spaces starting with a "~"


typesSelect one or multiple content types. The macro will display only the content of the type you specify here.Noall types
spacesSelect one or multiple spaces. The macro will display only the documents present in the selected spaces.No@self
authorComma-separated list of authors.No
labelsComma-separated list of tags.No
excludedLabelsComma-separated list of tags.No
maxMaximum number of results.No  15
themeAppearance of the macro ( concise , social , sidebar ).No  concise
widthWidth of the macro in percentage.No  100%
hideHeadingWhether to hide the text "Recently Updated" as titleNo  false
showProfilePicWhether to show the profile picture of usersNo  false
currentWikiIf this parameter is selected then the spaces & excluded spaces parameters are ignored and the macro will display the documents from the current wiki.No  false
excludedSpacesSelect one or multiple spaces. The macro will not display the documents present in the selected spaces.No
globalIf this parameter is selected then spaces, excluded spaces and the current wiki parameters are ignored and the macro will display the documents from the current wiki and subwikis. No  false

Example Usage


Recently Updated


  • add button to fetch more results
  • test more thoroughly on subwikis