Last modified by Ryan C on 2025/03/07 00:46
Contributors confluence bridge macro that shows the contributors of a given page.
Parameter | Name | Default | Description |
include | Include | authors |
Several values can be given, separated by commas. Values "labels" and "watches" are not supported in this bridge macro. |
order | Order | count | Possibles values:
reverse | Reverse | false | reverse the order specified in the order parameter. |
limit | Limit | no limit | Show at most the given number of contributors. |
mode | Mode | inline | Possible values are:
showCount | Show count | false | Show the contribution count for each user. |
showLastTime | Show last time | false | Show the last contribution time for each user. |
page | Page | current | The page for which to list the contributions. If both page and space are empty, the current page is used. |
spaces | Spaces | current | Space(s) containing the page specified in the page parameter, or the space(s) to search. Several spaces can be specified using commas. @global and @ALL will search in the whole wiki. |
scope | Scope | specified page only | Possible values:
showPages | Show Pages | false | Show the list of pages used to build the list of contributors |
noneFoundMessage | None Found Message | default message | The message to show when no contributors are found. |
Code (this page, inline):
{{contributors mode="inline"/}}
Code (this page, list mode, show information):
{{contributors mode="list" showCount="true" showLastTime="true" showPages="true"/}}
Pages: Contributors
Code (Sandbox space, inline):
{{contributors spaces="Sandbox" scope="descendents" mode="inline"/}}
Code (Sandbox space, list mode, show information):
{{contributors spaces="Sandbox" scope="descendents" mode="list" showCount="true" showLastTime="true" showPages="true"/}}